MasterLink Software

Have you ever...
- …not had enough badges in stock to award your Clubbers when they completed a badge?
- …felt disoriented with the complexity of the Ambassadors' Master Record?
- …wished you could automatically track Clubber attendance for the proper awards?
- …lost track of which awards are for which children by the time you distribute your awards?
MasterLink Features
Take a look at all of the features MasterLink has to offer your Club program.
MasterLink Documentation
You are welcome to view the MasterLink Help File. This will help you to understand the implementation and use of the software.
Download the MasterLink Demo version
MasterLink Cost
Your cost to purchase the MasterLink Software is $40 which includes one free year of technical support, product updates, and Master Ministries Catalog Updates. After your first year, you can renew your annual subscription for $40 per year and continue to receive up-to-date catalogs from Master Ministries, upgrades to your software, and technical support.
Order the Desktop Version of MasterLink Now!
Please allow one business day to process your order and make the complete version available to you.
The New Online version is now complete!
The same MasterLink interface, but database is hosted on the internet (data is encrypted), available on Mac, PC, and Linux. This allows installations anywhere at home, school, work, etc. and all can access the same database.
In addition, there is a native smart phone app for iOS or Android at no cost, accessible by searching for “MasterLink” on the Play Store and “ML MasterClubs” on the App Store. This can be used to enter attendance, view the main page information for individuals and view/print selected reports. Unlimited users/devices for the $70 annual fee.
After receiving your order, existing clients will be contacted regarding using their existing database. You can transfer the entire MasterLink desktop database to online as part of your order for no additional charge.
Order the Online Version of MasterLink Now!
Please allow one business day to process your order and make the complete version available to you.
Subscription/Software Download
For new users, download your MasterLink software here! For current users, to access your MasterLink subscription or to download updates to your software, enter the email address used when enrolled in the annual subscription with TECH Team Advantage.
Your cost to purchase the MasterLink Software is $40 which includes one free year of technical support, product updates, and Master Ministries Catalog Updates. After your first year, you can renew your annual subscription for $40 per year and continue to receive up-to-date catalogs from Master Ministries, upgrades to your software, and technical support.
MasterLink Training Introduction
MasterLink QuickStart Setup
- Setup Options / Calendar Setup (1:26)
- Session Fields (1:59)
- Custom Fields (2:14)
- For more setup options, see MasterLink Optional Setup below
Entering MasterLink Data
- The Main Individual Screen (6:42)
- Searching for Individuals (5:28)
- Checking In Individuals (7:07)
- The Master Record 1 (11:30)
- The Master Record 2 (3:22)
- Additional Awards (3:42)
MasterLink Optional Setup
- Groups and Teams 1 (7:33)
- Groups and Teams 2 (2:37)
- Assigning Colors and Awarding Points (6:14)
- Points Reports (2:22)
- Awarding and Using MasterMoney (6:50)
MasterLink Reports
- List Options (3:46)
- Attendance Reports (6:55)
- Registration Reports (4:09)
- Clubber Information Reports (6:56)
- Award Reports (8:32)
MasterLink Inventory Control
- Entering New Inventory (3:16)
- Creating a New Master Clubs Order (6:11)
- Receiving an Order into Your Inventory (2:01)
- Automatically Replenishing Your Inventory (1:51)
- Payment Entry Feature (7:30)
- Distributing Awards and Inventory (7:19)
- Tying Payments and Award Distribution Together (:57)
- Inventory Reports (1:59)
Advanced Maintenance Overview
User Security
Managing Your Database
Support for this product can be found through TECH Team Advantage.